1st August, 2013
My name is Isaac Jaeger, and I don't know how to explain what happened today.

It started this morning. I was walking to work – more like running, I was late as usual – and I decided
to take a short cut, darting into an alley behind the houses to avoid the crosswalks and busy roads. I'd taken this shortcut before,
but I was surprised when I met a dead end, a wall that I was sure wasn't there only a few days ago. I turned around to go back the
other way, then something strange happened, there was a flash, like lightening, but there was no thunder, or any sound at all. I
stopped for a moment, then continued on, only to experience another flash, and something else, it felt like a punch to the chest, it
knocked me back a step, I suddenly couldn't breathe, then everything went dark.

I “woke up”, but I don't think I was actually awake... Everything felt surreal. All I could hear was the
sound of wind rushing in my ears, everything looked.. off, it was like dusk, but the glowing light of the sunset was more of a grey.
I felt like I was moving in slow motion, and as I looked around everything had sort of a motion blur to it.

I tried to walk forward, suddenly I felt like my stomach sank, and I heard a voice from inside my head,
“He knows we're here.”

Next thing I know, I'm laying on my stomach in the alley, my head pounding. I got up to my knees, and I
notice the wall blocking my path behind me isn't there anymore. I don't know what the hell just happened to me.

Oh, and it was 5 P.M by the time I came to, my boss fired me for not showing up to work, great. GREAT.